Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cute or disturbing...I can't quite figure it out.

I went to TJ Max today, and I found myself wondering lost and confused in the lingerie section. (I have a bridal shower coming up, so I was looking for a gift.) Well, as I was looking through garments of every shape, size and color, I heard an excited small voice coming from the rack in front of me shouting, "I want the pink one; it's my favorite!" I looked around the rack to see a 7 year old boy holding up a pink thong and displaying it in front of his equally enthused younger sister. His mother was looking hurredly through the different undergarments, while the little boy kept shouting out, "How about this one mom, I like it!", while holding up the most "scandelous" underwear he could find. Is this cute or disturbing?...I can't quite figure it out.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

3:10 to hiss!

For those of you who are thinking about going to see 3:10 to Yuma, think again. I would NOT waste my money to go see this movie, I repeat I would NOT waste my money to go see this movie. I was actually excited to see this movie. I secretly really like Western themed movies, plus Christian Bale and Russel Crowe are two really great can't go wrong right? Wrong. The movie started out good, but slowly got more cheesy and unrealistic. The ending is just dumb. So, just FYI I don't recommend it.

Friday, October 5, 2007


These are some excerpts from our girl's night extravaganza:
Location: My car, Wilson Park, Ozark Reptile Museum Parking Lot

Emergency brake down Bike's Blue's and Bar-B-Q alley!

Gennie is so dramatic.

I think the flower is giving birth to me.

Shelli is just so gosh darn cute.

Poor, innocent Gennie never saw Shelli coming.

A night of good food, good laughs, good pictures, and good memories. BINSWENGER!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Things I have done/have happened to me since my last post.

I finished Blue Like Jazz.
-It's a really awesome book. It's not one of those life-changing, spiritually meaty kind of books, but it has really made me re-question why I believe the things I do, and it challenged me in ways that I need to be challenged in. I highly recommend it to both males and females.

I got a job.
-That's right, a REAL job! For those of you who don't know, my official title is "Party Rental Assistant". Basically, Fayetteville Athletic Club rents out their kid's play area for parties, and I show up, get things ready, stand around, serve some cake, and clean up. Hey, I get a free membership and tips aren't bad either. Oh yeah, and Gennie's my boss.

I saw the movie Driving Lessons.
-I linked the trailer so you can go watch it yourself. It's basically a quirky British comedy about a boy coming of age. It is super quirky, super funny, has a great cast, and has an awesome soundtrack. It never made to the big screen in the states, but I've been dying to see it, and I almost peed my pants when I saw it at Movie Gallery. It's a good flick, I recommend it.

I started doing observations/teaching in a Special Education Classroom
-I'm assigned to Washington Elementary School off Maple Street. I've always prayed/wondered about teaching special education, and this has been a really great experience to see if this is something I would like to pursue. The kids are great...I'm sure I will have some great quotes coming soon to share with you all!

That's all for now. I'm going to try and update more often!