Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cute or disturbing...I can't quite figure it out.

I went to TJ Max today, and I found myself wondering lost and confused in the lingerie section. (I have a bridal shower coming up, so I was looking for a gift.) Well, as I was looking through garments of every shape, size and color, I heard an excited small voice coming from the rack in front of me shouting, "I want the pink one; it's my favorite!" I looked around the rack to see a 7 year old boy holding up a pink thong and displaying it in front of his equally enthused younger sister. His mother was looking hurredly through the different undergarments, while the little boy kept shouting out, "How about this one mom, I like it!", while holding up the most "scandelous" underwear he could find. Is this cute or disturbing?...I can't quite figure it out.


Wes said...

my vote is disturbing.

Cal said...

I think hilarious. Any mom that takes their son lingerie shopping deserves public embarassment.

Schellhase said...

Scarringly cute?

taylorius said...

i think he's a designer and she took him along for his professional opinion.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to go with majorly disturbing.