Monday, August 6, 2007

Haircut Fiasco

This pretty much sums up my latest haircut fiasco. Oh, the humor that can be found in distress...


*g* said...

hah. did you make that or was that amazingly accurate depiction already made?

taylorius said...

yay! bone's blog!! i can't wait to hear the written ramblings!

i wish people's mouths went across their entire face. laughing would become a sport.

Stu said...

Mere, you could just solve the fiasco by letting me give you a haircut like mine. Benefits: it's cool, I can't screw it up, and it's cheap. You really can't go wrong!

cara said...

i'm excited about your blog, but i remember liking your hair, i'm confused...

Shelli said...

yeah!!!!!!!!!! you're one of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wes said...

I'm glad you have a blog now! And I'm also glad you linked me as "beach bum wes." It has a nice ring to it.

*g* said...

and because you have a blog, now you are like so popular and have so so so many comments!